Working Papers
Sarah Dadush
Cui Bono? The murky finances of Project (RED)
Going Against the Grain: When Private Rules Shouldn’t Apply to Public Institutions
Impact Investment Indicators: A Critical Assessment in Governance by Indicators: Global Power Through Quantification and Rankings
The Privatization of Development Assistance: An Overview
Profiting in (RED): The Need for Enhanced Transparency in Cause-Related Marketing
Regulating Social Finance: Can Social Stock Exchanges Meet the Challenge?
Katie Eyer
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Employees
That’s Not Discrimination: American Beliefs and the Limits of Anti-Discrimination Law
Jay Feinman
The Enforceability of Releases in Property Insurance Claims, Connecticut Insurance Law Journal
Good Faith and Reasonable Expectations, Arkansas Law Review
The Law of Insurance Claim Practices: Beyond Bad Faith, Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Law Journal
Liability of Lawyers and Accountants to Non-Clients: Negligence and Negligent Misrepresentation
The Restatement of the Law of Liability Insurance as a Restatement
Matteo Gatti
Creeping Acquisitions in Europe: Enabling Companies to Be Better Safe than Sorry
EC Reforms of Corporate Governance and Capital Markets Law: Do They Tackle Insiders’
Is There a Uniform EU Securities Law After the Financial Services Action Plan?
It’s My Stock and I’ll Vote If I Want To: Conflicted Voting by Shareholders in (Hostile) M&A Deals
Optionality Arrangements and Reciprocity in the European Takeover Directive
The Power to Decide on Takeovers: Directors or Shareholders, What Difference Does It Make?
The Uneasy Case for Top-Down Corporate Law Harmonization in the European Union
Yuliya Guseva
Cross-Listings and the New World of International Capital: Another Look at the Efficiency and Extraterritoriality of Securities Law
Destructive Collectivism: Dodd-Frank Coordination and Clearing and Settlement
KGB’s Legacy: Transplanting Efficient Financial Infrastructure without Efficiency
Ji Li
I Came, I Saw, I…Adapted—An Empirical Study of Chinese Companies Investing in the U.S. and Their Legal and Policy Implications
Soft Law v. Hard Guanxi: An Empirical Study of Business Investment, Law and Political Connections in China
State-Owned Companies and Sovereign Wealth Funds in the Current Regime of Investor-State Arbitration
Chrystin Ondersma
Are Debtors Rational Actors? An Experiment
A Human Rights Approach to Consumer Credit
A Human Rights Framework for Debt Relief
Shadow Banking and Financial Distress: The Treatment of ‘Money-Claims’ in Bankruptcy
Undocumented Debtors
Jacob Russell
Misbehavioral Law and Economics: Separating and Pooling in Responses to Consumer Financial Mistakes
The Separation of Intelligence and Control: Retirement Savings and the Limits of Soft Paternalism
Fadi Shaheen
The GAAP Lock-Out Effect and the Investment Behavior of Multinational Firms
How Reform-Friendly Are U.S. Tax Treaties?
International Tax Neutrality: Reconsiderations
International Tax Neutrality: Revisited
On Fixing U.S. International Taxation
Understanding Lockout